Reports & Forms

Reports & Forms

Each year the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) asks congregations to provide information about their people and activities.

ELCA Reporting Forms

All rostered ministers in the ELCA are required to complete an annual report, the Annual Reporting for Rostered Ministers. This report is a fillable PDF. To ensure that your report is saved properly before sending or printing it, please follow the instructions below.

  • Right-click or control-click (on a Mac) on the file you want to use and select “save file” so it gets saved on your computer in a place you can find.
  • For the best results, please do not type your responses in the webpage version.
  • Find the file on your computer, and open it in Acrobat or Preview or another .pdf reader.
  • Fill out a couple lines of the form. Save it. Close the file. Reopen it to see that the data is being saved correctly.
  • Finish completing the file and save it.

The Office of the Secretary receives annual congregation reports (Forms A and C), which are used to update the parochial statistics of the ELCA. Please note: you will need your Congregation ID and a password. The publicized deadline is February 15 of each year, but congregations are encouraged to submit these whenever they are completed. PDFs of Forms A and C can be found here.

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