All rostered ministers in the ELCA are required to complete an annual report, the Annual Reporting for Rostered Ministers. This report is a fillable PDF. To ensure that your report is saved properly before sending or printing it, please follow the instructions below.
The Office of the Secretary receives annual congregation reports (Forms A and C), which are used to update the parochial statistics of the ELCA. Please note: you will need your Congregation ID and a password. The publicized deadline is February 15 of each year, but congregations are encouraged to submit these whenever they are completed. PDFs of Forms A and C can be found here.
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Lutheran Center
1300 E. Colorado Street
Glendale, California 91205
(818) 507-9591
The Southwest California Synod is a Reconciling In Christ Synod, making a public commitment to welcome, include and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people. For information about becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation or organization, please contact the Region 2 RIC Coordinator or the RIC office.