Improving accessibility benefits everyone’s quality of life. Bishop Brenda Bos has established a new fund to promote accessibility in our congregations and para-organizations, reflecting their commitment to progress. According to the Center for Disease Control, accessibility means considering the needs of people with disabilities and modifying products, services, and facilities to accommodate people of all abilities. The synod also acknowledges accessibility as providing comprehensive language interpretation in both spoken and written communication.
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Lutheran Center
1300 E. Colorado Street
Glendale, California 91205
(818) 507-9591
The Southwest California Synod is a Reconciling In Christ Synod, making a public commitment to welcome, include and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people. For information about becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation or organization, please contact the Region 2 RIC Coordinator or the RIC office.