Lay Leadership


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recognizes congregations are always transforming and reforming. We value the leadership of “the people in the pews” and are committed to strengthening lay skills. In the past, we considered congregations to be clergy led and lay supported. It seems God is now moving us to a lay led and clergy supported church. Of course we will always value and lift up ordained leaders, but we see the Holy Spirit empowering congregational laity to shape worship and congregational life. 

Synodically Authorized Ministers are lay people whose leadership skills have been recognized by their congregation. These people may be authorized by the bishop to lead worship services and provide pastoral care in the absence of an ordained leader. While these leaders do not receive a seminary education, they will receive theological instruction and complete background checks and psychological evaluations. 

The Office of the Bishop welcomes discernment conversations for people considering this role and congregations who require this level of care. 

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