The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has extensive resources and documents available for congregations on its website, including:
Congregational Tools
- SWCA Synod Directory - Updated 2023
- Legacy and Planned Giving
- Parochial Reports: Parochial reports from congregations to the Churchwide Organization are due mid-February of the subsequent year. In mid-December, the ELCA mails the Congregational Report forms to all congregations. This mailing includes Form A, Form C, instructions, and a financial worksheet as well as the congregational ID number and password for online reporting. Congregations can use these items to log in and file reports online by
following this link.
Congregations missing forms or login information should email Robin Lujan in the Synod Office at The data from parochial reports is an important ministry tool for your congregation, the Southwest California Synod, and the Churchwide body. - Annual Report Cover: free download:
single page and wrap around covers can be found here (2020 now available)
- ELCA Resources: Model Constitution for Congregations of the ELCA (2022) & Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as Approved by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly.
- Pulpit Supply
- 2025 Compensation Workbook (includes Salary Guides for Rostered Leaders and Supply Pastor Reimbursement)
- Treasurer's Remittance
- Mission Support Letter of Intent: Part of our mutual work and accountability is our financial support of the ministries we share. This includes the work you do locally in your community, the work done together as a synod, and the faithfulness you show in funding the ministries and the work of the ELCA throughout the country and in partnership with other Christians all around the world. The Mission Support letter allows the Synod Office to plan its budget, including financial support for congregations, for the fiscal year.
- Congregational Secretaries Training
- Congregational Treasurers Training
- 2020 Spanish
Synod Grants
- The Endowment Committee awards grant for Mission Outreach from The Mission and Ministry Fund to be used for mission outreach as defined in the synod’s mission goals. Typically, grants range from $500 to $5,000.
- The Charles and Mable Warner Trust Fund, administered by the Executive Committee of the Synod Council, awards grants designated for the construction of Sunday School facilities and to further youth Christian education. Typically, grants range from $1,000 to $5,000, pending availability of funds.
Audit Resources
Rostered Leaders and Administrative Forms
Synod Documents
Human Resources
- At-Will Statement
- Paid Time Off Request Form
- Employee Warning Form
- ELCA Churchwide Personnel Policies
- Separation Agreement
- ELCA Benefit Coverage in Times of Transition
- Understanding ELCA Disability Benefits
- Employer Tax Reporting Information
- California Bill SB 1343 requires that all employers of 5 or more employees provide 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to non-managerial employees and 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to managerial employees once every two years. Existing law requires the training to include harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation and to include practical examples of such harassment and to be provided by trainers or educators with knowledge and expertise in those areas. The bill also requires the California. Department of Fair Employment and Housing to produce and post both training courses to its website, which employers may utilize instead of hiring a trainer. More information about SB 1343 and
free online training is available here.
- 2020: Changes in California Labor Law include the classification of employees and independent contractors; state and local jurisdiction minimum wages; and minimum salaries for exempt workers.
Read more here.
- 2018: California employers are prohibited from making any pre-employment salary inquiries, are required to post new workplace posters, and may be required (depending on total number of employees) to provide eligible employees with additional unpaid job-protected leave to bond with a new child, among other things.
Read more here.
Other Resources
Find more resources on the ELCA site: