For Those in Discernment

For Those in Discernment

Perhaps you have felt the Holy Spirit urging you to consider a life of ministry. Maybe members of your community have lifted up your gifts and ability to lead others. These may be invitations for you to discern whether you might be called to ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 

There are multiple paths to ministry. Historically the path was to seek ordination and receive a masters of divinity degree. This is still the traditional path for most candidates. Candidates must also discern if they wish to serve as a Minister of Word and Sacrament, known as a pastor, or as a Minister of Word and Service, known as a deacon. Both are ordained positions in this denomination.

Additionally, some may be called to serve in a non-ordained path, known as a Synodically Authorized Minister. Your congregation needs to be actively involved in that discernment, and there are still limited education and other requirements to fulfill. 

It’s important for you to find partners in this discernment. Your local pastor is an excellent person to speak with. Close friends, partners, parents, anyone who knows your heart and your faith would be great people with whom to share.

Our synod staff is also available to speak with you. Contact Julia Morales, our Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy and Mobility to learn more. Bishop Brenda Bos is also open to discern with you, as is Pastor Tracy Williams, our Assistant to the Bishop for Congregational Care. Robin Lujan is available to help you understand paperwork and timelines for candidacy. Their emails may be found on the staff page. You can also call our office at 818 507-9591 to set an appointment.

There are two parts to the ordination path:

  1. Theological Education: The ELCA has several seminaries with a wide variety of in-person and on-line options to assist you in receiving a Masters of Divinity, which is the standard educational requirement for ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our synod staff can help you discover our ELCA seminaries. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary is the only seminary on the west coast, and offering on-line classes only after 2026.

    There are multiple routes, including a TEEM program, which is for Theological Education in Emerging Ministries, which may be appropriate for some candidates who are already serving in a ministerial capacity. Candidates who already have a Masters of Divinity from a non-ELCA seminary, or are ordained in another tradition are also welcome to consider ELCA ordination, but there are additional steps which must be taken. Our staff can assist you in this process. 

  2. Candidacy: This is a multi-step process for all people seeking ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our synod staff can give you more information about this, or you can learn more at

    To begin the candidacy process, you will need to be a member of an ELCA congregation for one year, and have the recommendation of your pastor or congregational leader. You will need to meet with a member of the bishop’s staff and receive a psychological evaluation and a background check. There is also a candidacy fee, which in 2025 is over $1600. Congregations frequently pay this for the candidate. A payment plan is also possible.
    Additionally, there are a series of essays to write and a formal entrance interview with the Candidacy Committee. A successful entrance interview starts your candidacy path. 

Later, after some education is completed, you will have Clinical Pastoral Education and an internship to round out your professional development. A final approval interview, with essays and sample sermons, completes the process. Most candidates need three to five years to do this work.

These are exciting things to consider! God bless you in this discernment, and please feel free to reach out to the synod staff to support you in this time. 

Download ELCA Candidacy Flowchart (PDF)
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