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Call for Art | Convocatoria de Arte | 各種形式藝術作品的呼召

Southwest California Synod • June 27, 2024
Your story is a foundational piece of our collective story, and we want to highlight this both physically and online. Bishop-Elect Brenda Bos is asking you to consider making or sharing a piece of art that reflects a turning point or aspiration relating to your ancestral identity.

Whether your form is traditional, digital, photographic, musical, theatrical, poetry, or literary - we want you and your art to be reflected in our collective community action for the installation. Here are some more details about submission and what will happen with your creation.

Where will your art go?

If your art is visual, an image of it will be placed in a web-based gallery so everyone in the Synod can enjoy your creation. It also might be shared across the Synod's social media profiles.

➼ It will be displayed at Angelica Lutheran, Los Angeles on the date of the Installation.
➼ It may be part of a traveling art installation that Bishop-Elect Brenda brings with her and shares with communities as she travels.
➼ If your art is musical, theatrical, digital, or literary, it will be shared as part of the web-based gallery and, depending on logistics and form, may be displayed at Angelica Lutheran, Los Angeles on the date of the Installation.
➼ If you have a poem or short literary work, please consider submitting an audio! If you need help or would rather not read your own work, contact Samantha Henderson at

Will people know I made the piece?

Yes! We'd like to support you and get your name out there by sharing your name, website (if appropriate), and information on how people might purchase your piece or prints of your piece (as appropriate) in each space where we share this art.

Submission Details

Subject Matter: 

Your identity. Your ancestors. Your family. Your story. Look for a turning point or an aspiration relating to your identity or what brought you to the U.S. Show it to us in whatever medium works best for you.


Any shape is welcome; please aim for no larger than 10" in diameter.

If you have something pre-existing that is larger, please contact us by emailing Samantha Henderson at We will do our best to accommodate everyone.

How to submit:

Submit an image or scan, text, video, or audio to Sam LaDue at no later than August 31, 2021.

Please make sure to include:
➼ Email
➼ Name
➼ Phone #
➼ Website (if applicable)
➼ Whether the work or copies of the work are for sale
➼ If your work is for sale, please include contact information we can share with interested parties
Name (please include city) of your parish or conference


All submissions must be complete by August 31. 


There are two ways to get your art to us!

➼ Bring it to your home parish and share it there with your community - they should celebrate your creation, too! A representative from the synod will pick up your art after August 31. Please fill out the form here, print it, and leave it with your work.  You can also download the form here. 


➼ Drop it off at the Synod Office at 1300 East Colorado Street in Glendale. Please call the synod office first at (818) 507-9591 to make sure somebody will be here to accept it. Please fill out the form here, print it, and leave it with your work. You can also download the form here. Printed copies of the form are available at the synod office.

If appropriate, we recommend that you frame your artwork.

Questions? Contact Bishop's Installation Art Chair Sam LaDue at

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What is your immigration story, what is your art form?

This September's Bishop's Installation takes place at Angelica Lutheran, a church which bears witness to the immigrant body of Christ in our synod. The service will celebrate, acknowledge, examine, and in some cases, mourn the immigrant experience in the United States through word and art.

Our community exists because of people from around the world and their ancestors - those coming in the search for adventure or a better life, those who were here for generations and were displaced or assimilated, those who were brought against their will - and often we are <strong>all</strong> of those people. Our local and country-wide communities are engaged in a discussion - sometimes hopeful and sometimes acrimonious - about what that means. The ways we are creative, the ways we are imaginative, the ways we craft are part of making that meaning.

This is a call from Bishop-Elect Brenda Bos to make art that reflects your ancestral identity, whether your form is traditional, digital, musical, theatrical, poetry, or literary - and to share it so it can be a part of this event, both physically and online. We'll let you know how to send it to us when it's finished - but in the meantime, we know you have a story to tell, and we would be so happy if you began to tell it.

¿Cuál es su historia de inmigración, ¿cuál es su estilo o forma artística?

La Instalación de la Obispa, este mes de septiembre, se lleva a cabo en la iglesia Luterana Angelica, una iglesia que da testimonio del cuerpo inmigrante de Cristo en nuestro sínodo. El servicio celebrará, reconocerá, examinará y, en algunos casos, lamentará la experiencia de los inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos a través de la palabra, y el arte.

Nuestra comunidad existe gracias a personas de todo el mundo, y sus antepasados: los que vienen en busca de aventuras o una vida mejor, los que estuvieron aquí durante generaciones y fueron desplazados o se adaptaron, los que fueron traídos en contra de su voluntad, y a menudo, somos todos nosotros y nosotras, esa misma gente. Nuestras comunidades locales y nacionales están involucradas en una discusión, a veces llena de esperanza, y a veces amarga, sobre lo que eso significa. Las formas diferentes en que somos creativos, las diferentes maneras en que somos imaginativos, las formas en las que trabajamos son parte de ese mismo significado.

Este es un llamado de la obispa electa Brenda Bos para hacer arte que refleje su identidad ancestral, ya sea que su forma o estilo sea tradicional, digital, musical, teatral, poética o literaria, -que pueda ser compartido para que pueda ser parte de este evento, tanto físicamente como en línea. Le informaremos cómo enviárnoslo cuando esté terminado, pero mientras tanto, sabemos que tiene una historia que contar, y nos alegraría mucho que comenzara a contarla.


教區監督就職典禮將在今年九月於天使信義教會 (Angelica Lutheran)舉行,這是一座在我們的教區見證主內移民肢體的教堂。該敬拜禮儀將通過文字和藝術來慶祝、辨認、鑒察,並在某些情況下是哀悼移民在美國的經歷。


這是候任教區監督布蘭達.博斯(Bishop-Elect Brenda Bos) 對各位的呼召:創作出能反映您祖先身份的藝術,無論您的形式是傳統的、數位的、音樂的、戲劇的、詩歌的還是文學的——並分享它,以便它可以成為這次包含實體和線上兩種模式的就任儀式活動的一部分。我們會在完成準備作業後通知您如何將您的創作發送給我們——但與此同時,我們知道您有一個故事可以講;如果您開始講述它,我們會非常高興的。
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