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Thriving Leadership Formation Opportunities

Join the Retired Leaders group

Upcoming Thriving Leadership Formation Opportunities



Some of us enjoy travel, spending time with families, and maybe even grandchildren. Some of us are alone. Some of us are doing pulpit supply or volunteering at our home congregation. But when was the last time you were on a spiritual retreat? When we were in a congregation or other place, there were so many things to accomplish that taking time for a couple of days at a retreat center was hard. There was also the cost. There is now a program provided by PLTS that offers what can be thought of as a series of mini-retreats – and the only cost is your time in short 60 – 90 minute blocks. At the end, there is also the offer of six free sessions with a coach or spiritual director.

This will be a facilitated, small group of 8 – 10. We will meet 12 times with the goal of having a regular space for prayer and friendship; reconnecting with spiritual practices, such as lectio divina and Ignatian examen; be a community of care; be a place for contemplation and discernment about where God is present in our lives today. We would set our own schedule. Depending on where everyone lives, we will probably meet online via Zoom, although we would decide this as a group.

For more information, contact Pastor Ron Cox.

Click here to submit your information!


Are you a lay administrative staff member or leader in a congregation or synod? Are you seeking spiritual growth, accountability, greater clarity, and discernment within your personal or public life?

If so, you are invited to be a part of Thriving Leadership Formation’s 2023-2024 Contemplative Action Cohort for lay administrators. Thriving Leadership Formation is a program of Cal Lutheran and Pacific Theological Seminary funded by a Lilly Endowment Grant. More information about this program may be found at

These Contemplative Action Cohorts are structured to help participants become rooted and grounded in relationships. When we meet, participants are invited to withdraw from their roles and routines of daily life to pray, share, deeply listen, engage in a spiritual practice, and discern the presence and activity of God.

This cohort will be made up of 6-12 lay administrators who will meet over Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evening of each month (most months) for 60-90 minutes for 12 sessions, beginning in October 2023 and ending in April 2024. This cohort is open to those in synods in both Regions 1 and 2.

There is NO cost to participate in a Thriving Leadership Formation cohort. At the end of our sessions, each participant will be offered 6 free sessions with a Spiritual Director or Coach.

If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact Terri Robertson at or at 714.692.2791, ext. 732. We hope to have cohorts formed by October 5.


In a time of great institutional transition and cultural turbulence, Contemplative Action Groups seek to provide a compassionate, creative, and engaging space for church leaders to explore the unique way they are being called to live out the Christian life.

Click here if you are interested.