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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > _export 2023 and 2024 > Synod Study on Civic Life and Faith

Synod Study on Civic Life and Faith


The ELCA Task Force on Studies for Civic Life and Faith has released a study curriculum for use throughout our church. In providing this study curriculum the task force invites you to join a conversation about religious liberty, the proper role of the church in relation to government, and many other critical topics. The preparation of this study is part of the process toward developing a social statement related to civic life and faith.


Pastor Douglas Barclay, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan Beach and a member of the ELCA Task Force will offer three 90 minute sessions via Zoom that will cover the 6 units of the study curriculum. If you can only make one or two sessions or parts of sessions you are still welcomed to participation.


Each Session will have prayer, video presentations from task force members, breakout groups for discussions, and time for feedback.


If you have questions, please be in touch with Pr. Douglas.


Session One: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

7:30-9 p.m.

How Is God’s Invitation to Discipleship Lived Out in a Democracy?

How Do Christians Address Controversial Civic Issues?

Session Two: Tuesday, September 19, 2023

7:30-9 p.m.


What Are Lutheran Views on Civic Life?

What Are the Objectives of Democracy in the United States?


Session Three: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

7:30-9 p.m.


What’s Faith-based Living Got to Do with Civic Life?

How Do We Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord in Civic Life?


Simply click this link to register. The study curriculum will be sent to you via email and a zoom link will be provided by the synod office the day of each session to ensure security.


If you would like to launch your own congregational study or would like to learn more, please visit: