Our Biblical story is filled with people who had to move from their homeland to a new place, following the call of God. Our American story is also filled with people who left their homeland to come to the United States.
We are so fortunate to live in Southern California, where people speak hundreds of languages and bring diverse traditions, foods and stories.
To be Lutheran in Southern California is to be enveloped in diversity and difference. Of course this does not always bring harmony; we are humans trying to live together. But as God calls us to welcome the stranger and work to bring healing to all, our synod is committed to serve the neighbor, even if they do not look or act like us.
AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities)
A national movement in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, with resources and networking opportunities to strengthen your congregation’s ministry to migrants and minors.
Welcoming Congregations
A network of congregations within AMMPARO, committed to welcome new arrivals, with practical support and education.
Download Welcome Letter Template
Several congregations in the Southwest California Synod are Welcoming Congregations.
Click here for an interactive map of welcoming congregations
Legal Aid
One of the most important supports for migrants is legal aid to help navigate the complicated documentation process. CHIRA, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, is a trusted and powerful resource for those needing legal assistance.
Emotional and Spiritual Support
Many migrants have suffered enormous personal loss as they decide to leave their homeland and family. Our congregations are uniquely poised to offer kindness, a listening ear and a safe place for migrants to begin to settle. Reach out to other members of the welcoming congregations network to learn about practical, simple care you can provide for new neighbors.
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Lutheran Center
1300 E. Colorado Street
Glendale, California 91205
(818) 507-9591
The Southwest California Synod is a Reconciling In Christ Synod, making a public commitment to welcome, include and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people. For information about becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation or organization, please contact the Region 2 RIC Coordinator or the RIC office.