#GivingTuesday is more than a time to support charities financially - it's an opportunity to consider how you might plan to share your kindness, time, and talent in this holiday season and in the upcoming year. Spending time in service to others helps us spiritually, mentally, and even physically.
♥ Many charities would welcome your help on a weekly or monthly basis if you have a morning or afternoon you could dedicate.
♥ If you have a skill to share, such as an accounting background, legal experience, or marketing experience, consider offering your talent to a nonprofit.
♥ There are opportunities all around us to spend time in service to the community: walking shelter dogs, finding opportunities to collect for a food bank, donating blood or platelets. Many people find opportunities to share their time and talent closer to home: does a neighbor need help with home repair or shopping, can you provide transportation (for example, during election season or to medical appointments), does a local school need volunteers to read to children?
♥ There are also many ways to volunteer virtually! Here are a few ways you can help children, youth, seniors, veterans, arts communities, and many more.
There is a universal human desire to give back to community, and so many calls to actions (such as this one!) emphasize helping financially - but you are and can be a blessing in many more ways to a cause that inspires and excites you.