Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
Use the Tithe.ly link above to make a one-time or recurring contribution to one or more of the funds listed below.

Southwest California Synod Mission Support
As members of the ELCA, our faith in a loving God frees us to be generous and to participate boldly in God's work in the world. Stewardship not only about paying the church's bills, but about how congregations can "be the church together" - what Bishop Eaton calls a "manifestation of the unity we have through baptism into the body of Christ." To be generous in response to God's generosity towards us is one way we live out God's call to love our neighbor, in ways that no individual, congregation or synod can do alone.
The Southwest California Synod sends half of the mission support it receives to ELCA Churchwide, and distributes a significant percentage of the remainder back to congregations in the form of grants, as well as educational and administrative support. Mission Support dollars are very real, present, and working on every level of church structure: congregations, synodical, and churchwide.
Supporting LRCC & Synod Youth through the H.E.L.P. RECOVERY PLAN
At the 2021 SWCA Synod Assembly, voting members passed the Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences H.E.L.P. Campaign resolution. We affirmed that we would call on the congregations of the Southwest California Synod to fully support the ministry of Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences with special focus over the next few years as it recovers from the impact of of the Covid-19 pandemic by:
1. Helping children, youth and adults from Southwest California congregations to attend our Lutheran Bible camps by promoting the character building programs of LRCC, and by offering campership money to prospective campers; and, 2. Encouraging youth and young adults from Southwest California congregations to serve as Bible camp counselors and camp volunteers; and, 3. Leaning in to support the financial recovery of our local Lutheran Bible camps, in such ways as: initiate a fund raising event; support LRCC through the congregation’s annual budget; host a Camp Sunday and/or, encourage your congregational members to support LRCC; and, 4. Praying for God’s blessing on the partnership of the Southwest California congregations and Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences. You be able to support the Campership fund through the SWCA Synod soon, with one-time or recurring donations, or you can support LRCC directly here.