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Southwest California Synod > Upcoming Events > SAM Academy

SAM Academy

This fall, the Synod Office is offering a preaching course through Pastor Abel Arroyo Traverso, Assistant to the Bishop for Faith Formation.

The course title is Facets of Proclamation, which will be ten free workshops on Wednesday evenings on Zoom from September through January at 6:30-8:30 PM.

This workshop is designed to teach or refresh preaching skills, styles, and tools for proclaiming the word through preaching. Over ten sessions, we will explore how to craft a gospel statement, offer a basic structure for sermon writing, and share how context can inform preaching and different settings where preaching can occur.

The complete list of dates are September 20, 2023; October 4, 2023; October 18, 2023; November 1, 2023; November 15, 2023; November 29, 2023; December 13, 2023; December 20, 2023; January 10, 2023, and January 24, 2023. We hope you can attend most of these classes and participate in some reading or other reflections between classes. Please contact Julia at for more information or use the form below to register.