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Southwest California Synod > Synod Assembly Report 2016

Synod Assembly Report 2016

Synod Assembly Report 2016

Globe_words At the 2016 Synod Assembly, we gathered around the theme “Welcoming the Stranger.” We gathered at the Crowne Plaza LAX in Los Angeles, California. The Assembly was chaired by Bishop Guy Erwin. An ingathering of non-perishable food was donated to food banks within the Los Angeles area, and participants made offerings totaling $2,149.

In Attendance

100 Registered Congregations

301 Voting Members, consisting of –

93 Ordained Ministers
208 Lay Leaders
3 Diaconal Ministers
2 Associates in Ministry
14 Members of Synod Council

63 Visitors

Financial Reports

Treasurer’s Report
2017 Budget

Five Resolutions were passed 

Resolution on ELCA World Hunger and Child Nutrition
Resolution on Becoming a Lutherans Restoring Creation Synod
Resolution on Eco-Reformation in the Context of Climate Change
Resolution on Divestment
Resolution on Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery

Videos shown at the 2016 Synod Assembly  

Day of Learning Workshops and Schedule (printable PDF)

SOFIA (Stories of Faith in Action) 

Mission and Ministry Grants Awarded (click to download) 


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The #swca16 Guidebook contained all the information available in the Bulletin of Reports and was updated throughout the Synod Assembly. Please consider downloading the Guidebook to your mobile device or accessing it online as an alternative to printing out the Bulletin of Reports PDFs

Bulletin of Reports 

2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Agenda (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Resolutions (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Agency Reports (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Team Reports (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Staff Reports (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Conference Reports (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Finance (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Nominations (printable PDF)
2016 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports: Hymns (printable PDF)