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Southwest California Synod > Podcasts


SWCA Synod Podcasts

Bishop-Elect Brenda Bos discusses digital ministry at the Synod level and brings television production background (and advice!) into the conversation with Christopher Harris of Faith Growth.

Black History Month

Each Friday in February (and one in March), the African Descent pastors of the Southwest California Synod will be offering a podcast in honor of the Black History of the American Lutheran Church.
These podcasts are hosted by the Rev. Johnel Barron, Pastor of Olivet Lutheran Church, Hawthorne and presented by the Rev. James Phillips, African Descent Coordinator for SWCA Synod & Christ Lutheran Church, West Covina Interim Pastor; the Rev. John Miller, Interim Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church & Another level Ministries, Los Angeles; the Rev. Kenneth Davis, Interim Pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church, Encino; and the Rev. Rod Hines, Pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, Inglewood.
February 5: “Black Lutheran Beginnings"
Lutheran's and other Christian Groups’ Role in American Slavery
Presented by Pastor James Phillips
February 12: “The Original Pastors"
The Rev. Jehu Jones & the Rev. Dr. Daniel E. Wiseman" (1885 - the first African American Lutheran Church congregation in the continental US)
Presented by Pastor John Miller
February 19: “Leadership Part I”
The Rev. Dr. Nelson Trout, (First Synod Bishop American Lutheran Church), Rev. Will Herzfeld, (First National Bishop AELCA)
Presented by Pastor Kenneth Davis
February 26: “Leadership Part II”
The Rev. Earline Miller, (First African American female ordained in Lutheran Church; Rev. Dr. Cheryl Stewart-Pero (First Black Female New Testament professor at all denominational seminaries); Bishop Patricia Davenport (First African American Synod Bishop)
Presented by Pastors John Miller and James Phillips
March 5: “Leadership Part III”
Dr. Albert “Pete” Pero; Dr. James Echols (1st Black Lutheran Seminary President, LSTC); Bishop Sherman Hicks
(2nd Synod Bishop of Metro Chicago Synod)
Presented by Pastor Rod Hines

Latest Podcasts

Partner Podcasts

Pastor Brenda talks about finding human connection through technology, having the discipline to stop doing things that don’t work, and actually listening to your community about how they want to be communicated with.

The Vinyl Preacher is a weekly podcast where Pastors Matt Keadle and Zach Parris talk about Sunday’s texts and make a playlist to listen to on your way to or from worship. Supported by LuMin, the Lutheran Campus Ministry Network, and the ELCA.

Bethania, Solvang has fed over 1000 people each week at its food distribution line. Santa Ynez Valley Stories goes on location to interview the volunteers who feed our neighbors in need week after week.

Resources and Tools

Worship Services

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