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Southwest California Synod > Mission and Ministry Grant Fund

Mission and Ministry Grant Fund

The Southwest California Synod supports congregations, institutions, and agencies through two grant programs. The Mission & Ministry Fund awards grants to be used for mission outreach as defined by the synod’s mission goals.

The Charles and Mable Warner Trust Fund awards grants designated for the construction of Sunday School facilities and to further youth Christian education.

To apply, congregations must have the past year’s congregational report (forms A & C) on file.

Please use the Grant Proposal Guide linked below to guide your proposal. 

Notification of awards will be sent via letter to the contact person.  Grant recipients are required to work with the Endowment Committee, Communications Team, and Mission Interpreter to share with the synod community the ministries enabled by these grants.

Endowment Committee
Southwest California Synod



Mission and Ministry Fund Grant Application

A Grant Proposal Guide can be downloaded by clicking here