A Message from Bishop Murray Finck: “I will make a helper, a companion” | Un mensaje de Obispo Murray Finck: “Haré un ayudante, un compañero”by TaSh ElzieJuly 21, 2021August 2, 2021
Vocation and full personhood – Brenda Bos is first openly lesbian bishop elected in ELCAby TaSh ElzieJuly 19, 2021
Bishop Murray Finck: Dwelling in the Word | Obispo Murray Finck: Viviendo en la Palabraby TaSh ElzieJuly 2, 2021
A Message from Bishop Murray Finck: What is in the Number 1670? | Un mensaje de Obispo Murray Finck: ¿Qué hay en el Número 1670?by TaSh ElzieJune 17, 2021June 21, 2021
PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith: Linking Ecological Healing to Racial and Economic Justiceby TaSh ElzieJune 16, 2021June 18, 2021