Motivating the Exhausted – June 7 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
This pandemic has gone on and on. It’s taking a toll on everyone in just about every area of our lives. This 3-hour workshop will give you tools to lead your congregation to channel their… Motivating the Exhausted – June 7 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Nancy Ackerman and California Lutheran Homes Honored
On November’s National Philanthropy Day, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater San Fernando Valley Chapter, a group of non-profit organizations and consulting firms throughout the Valley, honored Los Angeles individuals, organizations, and businesses for giving… Nancy Ackerman and California Lutheran Homes Honored
Living the Resurrection and California Lutheran Homes: 18-month congregational programs
Announcing California Lutheran Homes and Community Services’ (CLH) collaboration with Living the Resurrection, assisting congregation to access the program in Southern California.
And God Said What?
The book of Exodus tells the story of God calling Israel out of slavery into new life. One of my favorite parts of this story happens after the burning bush and the plagues, when Pharaoh… And God Said What?
Of fears and fault-lines
Crisis reveals the fault-lines of society; those places where the tectonic plates of race, class and gender collide. It’s shaky ground where no one wants to stand for long. Yet we tend to stand there… Of fears and fault-lines
Let anyone with ears: Listen!*
Update April 29, 2020 Let those of you with ears, listen!* I’ve heard congregations who disliked change – so much they used to complain if a hymn was played at a new tempo – comment… Let anyone with ears: Listen!*
Loving Our Neighbors: Evangelism in an Age of Isolation
By Marj Funk-Pihl, DEM “We are racist.” Courtney uttered these words as both realization and confession. She was part of a conversation about her congregation’s outreach to the neighborhood. The congregation was predominately white, but… Loving Our Neighbors: Evangelism in an Age of Isolation