You are a vital congregation of our synod! (Part 1 – Relationships with God)
by Rev. Marj Funk-Pihl, Director for Evangelical Mission, SWCA Synod This is where we start. Vitality is not measured by how many people attend your worship services, or how much money you have… You are a vital congregation of our synod! (Part 1 – Relationships with God)
Bishop Erwin’s Sermon for Synod Assembly Festival Worship, June 2, 2018
Sermon for the Synod Assembly Eucharist (Lectionary 9B) The Land’s First People: Honoring Native Neighbors June 2, 2018, Samuelson Chapel, California Lutheran University The Rev. R. Guy Erwin, Ph.D. Texts: Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Psalm 81:1-10; 2… Bishop Erwin’s Sermon for Synod Assembly Festival Worship, June 2, 2018
2018 Synod Assembly Workshops
Synod Assembly Workshops 9:00 a.m. Saturday, June 2 Soiland Humanities Building, California Lutheran University The SWCA Synod Recovery & Spirituality Task Force The issue of addiction often results in shame, silence, and secrecy. This workshop… 2018 Synod Assembly Workshops
2018 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports – PDFs
In accordance with the Becoming a Lutherans Restoring Creation Synod and Eco-Reformation in the Context of Climate Change Resolutions passed by the 2016 Synod Assembly, printed assembly notebooks will not be provided to Assembly Members. In addition to the Guidebook application, downloadable PDFs which can be… 2018 Synod Assembly Bulletin of Reports – PDFs
An Easter Message & Blessing from Bishop Guy Erwin
April 1, 2018 To my dear siblings in Christ, the people of Los Angeles and our Synod, and to all who see this message: Greetings in Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord! In… An Easter Message & Blessing from Bishop Guy Erwin
Refugee Stories: “I’m terrified that my son and I will be killed if we are deported”
The plight of refugees and migrants from South America grows more drastic and their fate more uncertain. Refugee Stories are testimonies from children, adults, and families, gathered by the Salvadorean Lutheran Church, our companion synod… Refugee Stories: “I’m terrified that my son and I will be killed if we are deported”