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Southwest California Synod > 2022 Assembly Bulletin of Reports

2022 Assembly Bulletin of Reports

The brokenness of the world and relationships whisper lies of scarcity and consumes us with doubt and certainty that there isn’t Enough, that  we aren’t Enough, that God doesn’t work miracles. In faith and in God, there is always Enough because the daily bread we receive promises miracles abundant and sufficient.
Synod Assembly theme document,
Rev. Toni Casteñeda Carrera
El quebrantamiento del mundo, y de las relaciones susurra mentiras de escasez, y nos consume con la duda y la certeza de que no hay Suficiente, que no somos Suficientes, que Dios no hace milagros. En la fe y en Dios, siempre hay Suficiente porque el pan de cada día que recibimos promete milagros abundantes y suficientes.
Documento del tema de la Asamblea del Sínodo,
Rev. Toni Castañeda Carrera.
--  Toni Casteñeda Carrera 牧師所撰之《教區大會主題文件》

Welcome | Bienvenidos | 欢迎

Dios vio que todo lo que había hecho estaba muy bien. God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 
Welcome to the 2022 Southwest California Synod Assembly. Our theme is “Enough.” I am delighted to be serving as your bishop for this first assembly in person in three years with a strong on-line participation for those of you joining us remotely. 
When I first started talking to the planning team about this theme, I wanted to thoroughly explain it: God is enough, we’ve had enough of the pandemic, we have enough to go around. But the wise ones I work with suggested we should let each participant interpret this theme in their own ways.  What do you think of when you hear the word “Enough?” 
For me, when I think about “enough,” I think about God’s creation. As Genesis 1 tells us, God created the world and at every point called it good.  
In all the suffering we have experienced in the past two years, we may have forgotten how very good God’s works are, how God has provided enough. We each have our own stories about sufficiency and scarcity. I pray our time together at this synod assembly provides you a chance to notice God’s grace and abundance, and maybe have the opportunity to share your concerns or fears as well.  
We understand God provides in a variety of ways. We know our community comes together to receive and recognize these gifts. We also hope this time together reminds you you are not alone, that we have been moving through the pandemic together.  
I encourage you to speak to people you do not know at this assembly. Ask about their congregation. Ask about their family. We have much to learn from each other, and I hope you have a chance to do that at our assembly. Come with open hearts and curious minds, and let’s see what God wants to show us.  
Yours in Christ,
Bishop Brenda Bos  
"God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good. Dios vio todo lo que Dios había hecho, y de hecho, fue muy bueno." Génesis 1:31
Bienvenidos(as) a la Asamblea del Sínodo del Suroeste de California 2022. Nuestro tema es: "Basta". Estoy encantada de servir como su Obispa para esta primera asamblea en persona en tres años, con una fuerte participación en línea, especialmente para aquellos(as) de ustedes que se unirán a nosotros(as) de forma remota.
Cuando comencé a hablar con el equipo de planificación sobre este tema, quería explicarlo a fondo: Dios es suficiente, ya hemos tenido suficiente de la pandemia, tenemos suficiente para todos(as). Pero los(as) sabios(as) con los que trabajo sugirieron que deberíamos dejar que cada participante interpretara este tema a su manera.  ¿En qué piensas cuando escuchas la palabra "Basta"?
Para mí, cuando pienso en "basta", pienso en la creación de Dios. Como nos dice Génesis 1, Dios creó el mundo y en cada punto lo llamó bueno.
En todo el sufrimiento que hemos experimentado en los últimos dos años, es posible que hayamos olvidado cuán buenas son las obras de Dios, cómo Dios ha provisto lo suficiente. Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias historias sobre la suficiencia y la escasez. Rezo para que nuestro tiempo juntos en esta asamblea sinodal les brinde la oportunidad de notar la Gracia, y la abundancia de Dios, y tal vez tengan la oportunidad de compartir sus preocupaciones, o temores también.
Entendemos que Dios provee de maneras diversas. Sabemos que nuestra comunidad se une para recibir, y reconocer estos dones. También esperamos que esta vez juntos les recuerde que no están solos(as), que hemos estado avanzando juntos(as) a través de la pandemia.
Les animo a que hablen con personas que no conocen de esta asamblea. Pregunte acerca de su congregación. Pregunte por su familia. Tenemos mucho que aprender unos(as) de otros(as), y espero que tengan la oportunidad de hacerlo en nuestra asamblea. Ven con corazones abiertos, mentes curiosas, y veamos lo que Dios quiere mostrarnos.
De ustedes, en Cristo,
Obispo Brenda Bos
Dios vio que todo lo que había hecho estaba muy bien. God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good. 神看一切所造的,看哪,都非常好。”  Génesis 創世記 1:31
對我來說,當我想到「足夠」時,我想到的是上帝的創造。正如創世記第 1 章告訴我們的,上帝創造了世界,並且稱一切都是美好的。
主教(監督)Brenda Bos
Registration for #SWCA2022 is closed. Please contact Assembly Registrar Samantha Henderson at if you have questions. You can pay assembly registration fees here, or mail them to the synod office.


Informational Budget Meeting for Voting Members with Treasurer Mike Metzger and Bishop Brenda Bos
Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
Watch the recording here
Assembly Schedule & Livestream Links

Rules of the Assembly

At the beginning of each assembly, the Rules of Procedure are adopted by the voters. This year's Rules reflect the fact that the assembly will be held both online and in person.
Rules of Procedure
Reglamento de la Asamblea del Sínodo del Suroeste de California
Parliamentary Guide

Glossary of Terms 
SWCA Synod Constitution


Click on the report name to download

Elections to Synod Leadership | Liderazgo sinodal

Memorials and Resolutions | Los memoriales y resoluciones

Floor Nominations for Council & Committee Positions 

Nominations made from the floor must be endorsed by the signatures of at least ten (10) VOTING members of the Synod Assembly. The agreement of the nominee to serve if elected must have been secured, and biographical information must be available in writing for distribution to the voting members. This information, together with the list of those endorsing the nominee AND their email addresses, must be sent to no later than noon on Friday, June 10, 2022. Required biographical information is as follows:
A. The name and (rostered status of the nominee, if applicable),
B. The name of the position the candidate is being nominated for,
C. Contact information for the nominee (email and phone number),
D. A photo of the nominee (a selfie is acceptable),
E. The nominee's answers to the following:
In your own words, let us know about your Congregational Service, currently and within the past three years. 
In your own words, let us know about your Community Service, currently and within the past three years. 
In your own words, let us know about your Synodical involvement, currently and within the past three years. 
Are you a person of color/primary language other than English?

Submitting Resolutions and Memorials from the Assembly Floor

Any voting member may make a motion from the floor which is germane to any pending question.
1. Motions and resolutions of a general character that are not germane to a pending question must be processed through the Committee on Reference and Counsel.
2. Resolutions and Memorials submitted from the assembly floor must bear the signatures of at least five (5) VOTING members of the Synod Assembly.
3. All Resolutions and Memorials that were not received by the Committee on Reference and Counsel by the 2022 due date may, subject to the provisions of S10.04 of the synod constitution, be placed on the assembly agenda as new business. Such consideration will require a 2/3 majority of the voting members of the assembly.
4. Resolutions and Memorials brought from the assembly floor must follow the resolution format available here; must include the names and email addresses of five (5) members VOTING members; and must be submitted as follows:
Emailed to AND OR presented in person to the Synod Secretary by noon on the day of the assembly.
As #SWCA2022 is a one-day assembly, in order to expedite verification of materials submitted from the floor proposed Resolutions and Memorials that follow the resolution format available here and include the names and email addresses of five (5) members VOTING members may be emailed to AND between now and noon on the day of the assembly.

Procedure for Amendments to the 2023-2024 Southwest California Synod Budget

S10.04. Any proposal to appropriate funds, whether by amendment to the budget or otherwise, which is presented to a meeting of the Synod Assembly without the approval of the Synod Council, shall be referred to the Executive Committee for a report and recommendation prior to action by the Synod Assembly and shall require a two-thirds majority vote by the Assembly for adoption.
After presentation of budget, any amendments must be submitted in writing or via email, and must include the person making the motion as well as a person seconding the motion. Both must be VOTING members of #SWCA2022.
Direct proposed budget amendments to: AND