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Council and Committee Members Elected at 2021 Assembly

As there was no synod assembly or council elections in 2020, two-thirds of the synod council positions needed to be filled this year. Our thanks to those council members willing to extend their term and service one year in order to meet the needs of the synod during this challenging year!

Synod Council

Council members elected were: Ms. Sarah Stegemoeller (Vice-President); The Rev. Cesar Arroyo, Ms. Lisa Curtis, Deacon Jamie Hovland, The Rev. Megan Hunt-Fryling, Dr. Cecelia TravickJackson, Mr. John Halbert, Ms. Renee Brandt, Mr. Everado Gonzalez, The Rev. Ryan Chaddick, The Rev. Jame Boline (Members-at-Large); Ms. Lucia Salazar-Davidson (Youth Representative); Dr. Todd Kolberg, Ms. Terri Pyle, Ms. Margarita Gonzalez, Ms. Laura Krueger, The Rev. James Mericle, and Zekiah Wright (Conference Representatives).

Committee Members

Committee members elected were: Ms. Martha Santrizos and Ms. Renee Brandt (Endowment Committee); Ms. Lillian Parker and Mr. Robert Siemer (Consultation Committee); the Rev. Dr. Robyn Provis and the Rev. Marc Mohr (Discipline Committee - Rostered members); and Ms. Margarita Gonzalez and Ms. Gwendolyn Jackson (Discipline Committee - Lay members).

Churchwide Assembly Voting Members

Churchwide Assembly Voting Members will represent the synod at the 2022 triennial assembly during the week of August 8, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio. Those elected were: The Rev. Maria Paiva, Mr. Randall Foster, Mr. Bryan Honda, Ms. Lucia Salazar-Davidson, The Rev. John Yu, and Mr. Jaivan Ortiz. The synod Bishop and Vice-President will also attend as voting members.