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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > 2021 Synod Assembly > Three Resolutions Passed at the 2021 Synod Assembly

Three Resolutions Passed at the 2021 Synod Assembly

During the first day of the 2021 SWCA Synod, voting members passed three resolutions that had been submitted previously to the Reference and Counsel Committee and presented to the body of the Assembly.

The Resolution on Translation and Interpretation of Synodical Governance asks that the “Southwest California Synod provides appropriate language interpretation, including Sign Language, to ensure all voting members of the corresponding governance bodies participate in their dominant language or whichever language ensures full understanding.”  The Resolution on Candidate Forms for Future Bishop Elections asks for an “open process with Candidate Forums would provide opportunities for a wider range of bishop candidates to share and have their voices heard.”  The Resolution on Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences asks that the “Southwest California Synod, in assembly, calls on the congregations of the Southwest California Synod to fully support the ministry of Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences with special focus over the next few years as it recovers from the impact of of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

The full text of the 2021 Resolutions can be read below:

21-01 Resolution on Translation and Interpretation of Synodical Governance
21-02 Resolution on Candidate Forms for Future Bishop Elections
21-03 Resolution on Lutheran Retreats, Camps, and Conferences

Resolutions and Memorials may come from any institution, agency, synod ministry board, coalition, or congregation, and must bear the signatures of at least five people who are members of the Southwest California Synod. Resolutions not considered by the Synod Assembly will be referred to the Synod Council for consideration. Memorials and resolutions enable the Churchwide organization, congregations, conferences, and synod organizational units to address broad policy issues or issues important to God’s mission in the world. Memorials address broad policy issues; resolutions have a narrower focus, requesting consideration or action by individual offices or units, or the Church Council. The churchwide organization and synods of the ELCA use a process to bring forth memorials and resolutions that can be seen here.

Past SWCA Synod Resolutions & Memorial can be read here.