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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Synod News > Preparing to Reopen for In-person Worship

Preparing to Reopen for In-person Worship

The ongoing news regarding the way the COVID-19 virus continues to proliferate in our state cautions us against activities that will accelerate the spread of the contagion. The latest counsel from health professionals tells us that a return to in-person worship, as well as many other indoor activities, may not happen safely until well into next year. The upcoming “normal” flu season, exacerbated by the continuing presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, will likely expect extra necessary precautions to insure that our worship and other activities do not contribute to the transmission of these viruses to anyone, especially those who have been identified as the most vulnerable.

En años pasados, después de los meses de verano, muchas congregaciones tradicionalmente han llenado sus calendarios, aulas y santuarios con varios ministerios nuevos y programas educativos. Sin embargo, las ultimas noticias sobre la forma en que el virus COVID-19 se sigue proliferando en nuestro estado nos advierte evitar actividades que acelerarán la propagación del contagio. El último consejo de los profesionales de la salud nos dice que el regreso al culto en persona, así como muchas otras actividades en lugares cerrados, puede no ocurrir de forma segura hasta el próximo año. La próxima temporada de gripe “normal”, exacerbada por la continua presencia de la pandemia COVID-19, probablemente nos obligara a tomar precauciones adicionales que serán necesarias para asegurarnos que nuestros cultos y otras actividades no contribuyan a la transmisión de estos virus a nadie, especialmente a aquellos que han sido identificados como más vulnerables.

-Interim Bishop Murray Finck
A Word About Returning to In-person Worship, September 2020

California and Nationwide Guidelines

Communities of Faith Resources

Minneapolis Area Synod 2020 COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy office work environment for you and our volunteers.

As part of our continued response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the synod has drafted a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. The goal of our plan, which follows the CDC and OSHA standards related to COVID-19, is to ensure you understand how we will restore daily operations in a way that mitigates the potential transmission of the Coronavirus or any illness at the office.

As an employee, you will continue to have opportunities for collaboration to shape this plan via staff meetings and one on one checks-ins with Management to ensure a smooth transition back into workspaces.


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