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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Synod News > A Virtual Walk by the LA River

A Virtual Walk by the LA River

The LA River X Instagram account is currently featuring the photographs and mediations of Lars Bunch on this unique urban river. During this time of social isolation, we are encouraged to go outside (with proper precautions) for our physical, mental, and spiritual health. If you are physically able to go outside, consider these posts an inspiration to take a prayer walk and making your activity a meditation on Creation. If you are unable to go outside, consider taking a virtual prayer walk with these images.

Lars Jagatai Bunch has been a photographer for 40 years. He has shot eclectic portraits for magazines, interior designs for books and architectural shots for advertising.⁠ He shoots both film and digital, depending on the needs of the project. While most of the works you'll see this week were shot digitally, he has also been seen lugging large format cameras from 4x5 to 8x10 into the Los Angeles River.⁠

Images and words here were contributed by @larsbunch as part⁠ of his @lariverx takeover. When reposting, please credit @larsbunch and @lariverx.⁠

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, The holy dwelling places of the Most High. -Psalm 46:4