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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Uncategorized > Change Strategy/Appreciative Inquiry Workshop

Change Strategy/Appreciative Inquiry Workshop

Channeling Experience and Energy to Motivate Change

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a powerful and easily understandable tool for creating vision and moving through change. Whether your congregation is experiencing confusion over how to move into the future, or is simply excited to discover new possibilities, AI will help. This strategy draws on the stories of every member and builds on the appreciative ways a congregation talks about itself, to move toward a shared vision of the future.

These workshops focus on using AI to enhance the ability of congregations to live in love with God, one another and their neighbors

During this workshop participants:

-Experience the Spiritual practice of Appreciative Inquiry by listening for God through Scripture, one another and neighbor –then acting on what we hear!
-Discover the power of words to shape our beliefs and behaviors.
-Are exposed to the tools of AI and understand how utilizing them will help our congregations develop
a sense of a desired future
-Gain an appreciative and realistic view of the congregation
-Forge vital partnerships with neighbors
-Practice the 4I’s of the process:
Initiate: gather a team of folks who care about what’s next.
Inquire: Learn how to ask questions that invite deep reflection.  Learn how to listen beneath the words   or the whole story of what a person may be truly saying.
Imagine: Use what we learn to envision a desired future.
Innovate: Design an innovation that takes the first step toward that future.

To hold a workshop for your congregation or conference, contact Pastor Marj at or call/text (805) 540-1601.