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Southwest California Synod > 2019 Synod Assembly Registration

2019 Synod Assembly Registration

Registration is closed – contact Andreas at if you have any questions. 

Preliminary Assembly Schedule here 

Voting members serve on behalf of all the people of the Southwest California Synod. To be a voting member is to be entrusted by your congregation to make decisions for the well-being of our synod and the whole church. Voting members of the 2019 Synod Assembly will be called upon to elect Synod Council members, committee members, and the Southwest California Synod Bishop, in addition to voting on the synod budget and resolutions.

Voting members of the Synod Assembly consist of:

  • All active ELCA Rostered Ministers in our synod (pastors and deacons)
  • Lay congregation members who have been elected by their congregation (congregations should make every effort to include both male and female lay members)
  • Each congregation is entitled and encouraged to register an additional confirmed Youth (under 18) or Young Adult (18 – 30) voting member as part of their delegation – PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR THE 2019 ASSEMBLY THERE WILL BE NO ADDITIONAL FEE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF AN ADDITIONAL YOUTH OR YOUNG ADULT VOTING MEMBER
  • Synod Council members and Synod Officers
  • Ecumenical partners serving as a called pastor to a SWCA Synod congregation

Non-voting members consist of visitors, Retired Rostered Ministers, Rostered Ministers on Leave from Call, agency and partner representatives, and congregational members who are not part of a congregational delegation. Non-voting members are welcome and encouraged to attend the Synod Assembly and to participate in worship, activities, fellowship, and workshops. Non-voting members must register individually and are responsible for their own assembly fees.


Please Note that Assembly Registration Fees DO NOT include Housing.
Housing reservations, whether at a hotel or at the Cal Lutheran Dorms, must be made and paid for separately. Housing information can be found here

Congregations – Voting Members
(Registration includes dinner Thursday, lunch and dinner Friday, and lunch Saturday)

Congregational registration: one called Rostered Minister and two lay voting members – includes dinner Thursday and Friday and lunch Friday and Saturday – $575

Additional Rostered Minister (clergy or deacon) – $195

Additional Lay Voting Member (congregations will be informed if the size of their membership entitles them to an additional lay voting member or members) – $195

Additional Youth (under 18) or Young Adult Voting Member (18 – 30) – each congregation is entitled and encouraged to register an additional Youth or Young Adult voting member as part of their delegation for NO ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION FEE

Individuals – Voting Members
(Registration includes dinner Thursday, lunch and dinner Friday, and lunch Saturday)

Rostered Minister (clergy or deacon) under Synodical Call – $195

Individuals – Non-voting Members

Rostered Minister on Leave from Call – $95 w/meals; $30 w/no meals

Retired Rostered Minister – $75 w/meals; $30 w/no meals

Visitor – $95 w/meals; $30 w/no meals

Additional Meals

Thursday Dinner – $35
Friday Lunch – $20
Friday Dinner – $35
Saturday Lunch – $20

Waiver of Liability 

All Assembly Members, voting and non-voting, must fill out the California Lutheran University/2019 SWCA Synod Assembly Liability Waiver Form linked hereplease download and print a copy for each attendee, and bring the completed form to the assembly


Please let Samantha at know if you have questions or need help in filling out the online registration form. Payment may be made by credit card through PayPal. You may also indicate if you intend to pay by check.  The deadline for congregations and individuals to register for the 2019 Southwest California Synod Assembly is Friday May 10, 2019. 

2019 Synod Assembly Congregational Registration

2019 Synod Assembly Registration – Rostered Leader Serving Under Synodical Call – VOTING

2019 Synod Assembly Registration – Rostered Leader On Leave From Call – NON-VOTING

2019 Synod Assembly Registration – Rostered Leader, Retired – NON-VOTING

2019 Synod Assembly Registration – Visitor – NON-VOTING