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Southwest California Synod > 2019 Synod Assembly

2019 Synod Assembly

California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks

The 2019 Synod Assembly was held on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks with the theme “We Are Church Together.” The Synod Assembly is the highest legislative body in the Synod, and is composed of voting members from each congregation, along with rostered ministers, visitors, and guests who gather to conduct business and celebrate the many ministries of this synod.

105 SWCA Synod congregations were represented, and 398 registered voting members and visitors were in attendance.

The voting membership consisted of 95 Ministers of Word and Sacrament, 4 Deacons, 20 members of Synod Council, and 202 congregational lay voting members. Of the voting membership,153 (48%)were male and 168 (52%)were female. 79 (25%) were persons of color or persons whose first language was other than English, and 26 (8%) were 30 years of age or under.

Our Churchwide Representative and Keynote Speaker was the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla. Bible Studies were lead by the Rev. Charlene Limeneh, the Rev. Malpica Padilla, and Pacifica Bishop Andy Taylor. John August Swanson was the Assembly’s Guest Artist.

An African-American Lutheran Worship Service was held on Saturday Morning at the Samuelson Chapel on the Cal Lutheran Campus. Worship was led by The Rev. James Phillips, Synod Coordinator for African Team Ministries.

Election results; Partner, Agency, and Mission Team Reports; biographies for Committee, Council, and SWCA Bishop’s Election nominees; Workshop Information, and Assembly Activities/Schedule can be found below.

2019 Bishop's Election

The Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin was re-elected May 31 as Bishop of the Southwest California Synod on the third ballot at the annual Synod Assembly. The slate, with candidates both pre-identified and nominated from the floor, included: The Rev. Pamela Challis, The Rev. Rustin Comer, The Rev. Sheldon Hess, The Rev. Stephanie Jaeger, The Rev. Erik Rundquist, and The Rev. L.B. Tatum.

Election Results

  • Mr. Mike Metzger and The Rev. Keith Banwart were elected a Synod Council Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.
  • The Rev. Marta Salazar was elected as Synod Council Member-at-Large.
  • The Rev. Scott Peterson, Mrs. Carolyn Foster, and the Rev. Anthony Auer were elected to the Consultation Committee.
  • Mr. Ken Yliniemi and Ms. Melisaa Chaddick were elected to the Endowment Committee.
  • Rev. Tracy Williams, Rev. James Boline, and Rev. Rod Hines were elected to the Discipline Committee.
  • Rev. Mark Witte, Ms. Shirley Green, Mr. Nolan Green, and Rev. Jennifer Chrien were affirmed as Synod Council Conference Representatives.
  • Rev. James Boline, Rev. Jennifer Chrien, Deacon Lynn Bulock, Wanda Rosado-Martinez, Michael Metzer, Cheyenne Boykin, Bishop Guy Erwin, and Randall Foster were affirmed as representatives to the 2019 Churchwide Assembly. Cheyenne Williams, Mary Tabata, Rev. Robert Hamel and Rev. Pam Challis were elected as alternates.
  • Resolution 19-03, Resolution in support of single-payer improved Medicare for All, was passed. All 2019 Resolutions can be found here.