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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Synod News > Women and Justice Social Statement Hearing

Women and Justice Social Statement Hearing


Eighteen women and men gathered at the Lutheran Center on Saturday, August 25 to study and recommend changes to the DRAFT social statement on Women and Justice. Responses to the DRAFT must be received no later than September 30, 2018. Creating the social statement has been a ten year process, and it will be voted on at the Churchwide Assembly in the summer of 2019. A two-thirds yes vote of the voting members is required for adoption.

ELCA social statements are teaching and policy documents that assist members in forming judgments and in guiding action on social issues. They also set policy for this church, guide advocacy efforts, and support its public voice.

Dixie Hanson has been the synod representative for the social statement, and she was charged with holding listening sessions throughout the years. Dixie led part of the discussion, and she was aided by Sharon Heck and The Rev. Dr. Pam Challis. Bishop Guy Erwin was able to attend a portion of the morning session.

The group who gathered contained several female pastors, lay women, and lay men. The discussion was lively at times, and many suggestions for changes were recorded. A report from the whole group is being sent to the ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice in Chicago. A few members of the group completed their own response forms. Those in attendance agreed it was a good opportunity to join in conversation and discernment about this concern as people of faith.

Learn more about the Draft Social Statement here