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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Learning Opportunities > California Lutheran Homes Aging Resources Library at the Lutheran Center

California Lutheran Homes Aging Resources Library at the Lutheran Center

On January 27, following a SWCA Synod Women of the ELCA Winter Gathering that focused on issues vital to those who care for seniors, California Lutheran Homes and Community Services hosted a reception to introduce the CLH Aging Resources Library, which is hosted by the Lutheran Center in Glendale. Curated by Pastor Don Koepke and the Rev. Nancy Gordon, previous Directors of the California Lutheran Homes Center for Spirituality and Aging, materials from the library are available to Rostered Ministers and Lay Leaders ministering and caregiving to older adults.

Bishop Guy Erwin meditated on the importance of elders in his childhood, and Pastor Don Koepke introduced the resources of the library, pointing out that it’s the largest collection of material emphasizing Spirituality and Aging in the United States.

Books and periodicals from the Aging Resources Library can be read at the Lutheran Center or checked out for home study or congregational elder ministry. Look for more information coming soon about Aging Resources on the synod website. Questions about library materials can be directed to Samantha at