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Southwest California Synod > 2018 Synod Assembly – Call for Nominations

2018 Synod Assembly – Call for Nominations

Nominations are now closed – those who wish to be considered for open positions  must be nominated from the Synod Assembly floor

2018 Southwest California Synod Assembly

The Nominating Committee of the Southwest California Synod invites members of synod congregations to prayerfully consider if God is calling them to serve on Synod Council, as a Voting Member of the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, or as a Member of the ELCA Churchwide Council. Elections to fill these positions will take place at the 2018 Synod Assembly, taking place June 1 – 2 on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. Descriptions of the duties of each open position are attached. If you are considering serving on the Synod Council, please read the Synod Council Conflict of Interest Policy here.

We are looking for candidates who have a desire to share their experience, knowledge and passion as leaders in the synod. We need good listeners, critical thinkers, folks with an openness to the Spirit, and a willingness to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

Candidates can self-nominate for open positions by completing the online nomination form, linked here and below. The online form can also be used to nominate candidates.

Nomination forms for Conference Representative positions will be forwarded to the appropriate Conference Dean for consideration, as those positions are voted on at Spring Conferences and confirmed at Synod Assembly. Nominations for Conference Representatives must be submitted by Friday, April 6, 2018.

Please note that all other nomination forms must be received in the synod office no later than Tuesday, May 1, 2018. Those who wish to be considered for open positions who have not turned in their form by that date must be nominated from the Synod Assembly floor.

The following positions are open:

Synod Council Member-at-Large (three open positions): These positions must be filled by one female layperson or deacon, one female clergyperson, and one male clergyperson.

Synod Council Member-at-Large Description 

Synod Council Youth Representative: This position must be filled by a member of a SWCA Synod congregation in the 10th or 11th grade by the time of the Synod Assembly.

 Synod Council Youth Representative Description

Los Angeles Metro Conference Council Representative: This position must be filled by a male clergyperson. Nominations must be submitted by April 6, 2018.

San Gabriel Valley Conference Representative. This position must be filled by a female layperson or deacon. Nominations must be submitted by April 6, 2018.

Conference Representative Description 

2019 Churchwide Assembly Voting Members: there are six open positions which must be filled by a male clergyperson, a female clergyperson, a female layperson or deacon, a male layperson or deacon, a young adult (18 – 25 years of age), and a person of color/person whose primary language is other than English.

The ELCA Churchwide Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the church, which in 2019 will gather August 5 – 10 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Voting members are chosen locally from across the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands, representing the diverse communities, congregations, synods, perspectives and geographic contexts of the ELCA. Together with other leaders of the ELCA, and guided by the Holy Spirit, they discuss the work of the church in the world and make decisions reflecting the challenges we face and the strengths we all bring to loving and serving our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ, locally and globally.

More about the Churchwide Assembly 

Assembly Voting Member Description 

Nominees for Member of ELCA Churchwide Council (two positions): these position must be filled by female laypeople or deacons.

The ELCA Churchwide Council serves as the board of directors for the church. Its members include the churchwide officers, bishops representing a cross-section of synods and up to 45 other people elected by the Churchwide Assembly. They meet together at least twice a year and communicate by other means when necessary.

The Churchwide Council Member from the SWCA Synod will be chosen at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly from the two nominees elected at the 2018 Synod Assembly. Please note that is position is a six-year term, requiring travel to Chicago in April and November of each year, as well as attendance at the 2022 and 2025 Churchwide Assemblies.

More about the Churchwide Council 

Thank you for your partnership in our common ministry!