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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Hunger Team > Peace with Justice, January 2017

Peace with Justice, January 2017

by Sharon Heck

I have two different things to share with you.

In December, I opened my ELCA World Hunger Advent Calendar that was sent out free to anyone who requested it. The message of December 14 was: “Prayerfully consider making a gift to ELCA World Hunger today. Online at or mail a check payable to ELCA WORLD HUNGER to ELCA, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-1809.” Each day the calendar windows contain words of wisdom about Advent, and suggested Good Gift items. It is a great way to keep the true meaning of Advent and Christmas in our hearts.

The second item concerns a film titled Before the Flood -The Science is Clear, The Future is Not. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and he also narrates it. The United Nations sent him on a fact-finding tour of the world concerning Climate Change. This documentary film was made with the help of National Geographic and paints a very real picture of what is happening to the earth. It is excellent and I have a DVD copy which I will happily loan for your use. It is 96 minutes in length and worth every minute of your time. Give me some lead time on your event, and I will send it to you. You can go online and find a very extensive discussion guide for your use. I made a copy, but it is too expensive to mail. I highly recommend this film. In Genesis 1 God made humankind and gave them dominion over all the creatures of the earth. Dominion means to care for, and we haven’t done a very good job of that. See this film and take action.