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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > General > Mt. Olive, Santa Monica Shelters Homeless Students

Mt. Olive, Santa Monica Shelters Homeless Students


Mt. Olive, Santa Monica’s Bruin Shelter recently was profiled in the Santa Monica Daily Press.

College can be a fun, exciting and a challenging time in a person’s life. Learning responsibilities, self-growth, and unfortunately for some students they learn to live on the streets, in a car and do whatever they can to get through the coursework.

Mt. Olive Lutheran Church is tackling the problem head on by providing a limited number of beds for students attending local schools.

The Bruin Shelter opens on Oct. 2, and they have already accepted 10 students, half are UCLA students and the other half are SMC students. This shelter provides a 90-day stay for females and male students; a waiting list has already formed.

Read the rest of the article here!

You can get involved! Come to the benefit concert for the Bruin Shelter on Friday, October 14 at Mt. Olive, Santa Monica. Details below!
