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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > General > Prayers for Orlando

Prayers for Orlando


Pastor Jennifer Chrien of Our Savior’s, Oxnard, offers the following prayers for this coming Sunday, June 19th. 

God of peace, we ask for your healing presence among all those who are suffering. Today, we especially pray for the victims of the massacre in Orlando, for their families, friends and loved ones. For those who are wounded, we pray for healing in body and spirit. For those who escaped without physical injury, but with deep emotional wounds, we pray for peace and well-being. For those who were killed, we remember them and pray for all those grieving their deaths:

[The 49 names will be read here]

God of mercy and compassion, we pray for all victims of discrimination and violence. We pray for LBGTQ individuals whose community was targeted by this shooting. Grant comfort to those who feel unsafe simply for being who they are. Guide us with your wisdom and kindness to provide a welcome to all your children. Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayer.

God of justice, you command us to love our enemies and pray for them. Without giving him infamy in death for his actions, we pray for the shooter who perpetrated this massacre. We pray for his family and friends. We pray for an end to violence and bloodshed in all places. Lord, in your mercy… Hear our prayer.

God of the nations, your Son Jesus Christ went to outsiders and foreigners, ate with those considered sinners, and welcomed the outcast. Grant us your spirit of compassion, that we may show grace and love to those who are different from us. Forgive us our sin of hating the “other,” and all the ways we act out hate instead of love. We pray especially for our Muslim brothers and sisters who may be blamed for the actions of a single individual who does not represent them or their faith. Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayer.