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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Uncategorized > God’s Love in Action

God’s Love in Action

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As members of our ELCA, we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. We are open to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to be active in the world. By sharing our time, talents and financial resources, we participate in God’s work throughout the United States and around the world. Our ELCA is God’s Love in Action – from food pantries to community gardens, from health care clinics to job training programs, from immigration to sustainable farming and human rights all within our congregations, our communities, our country and throughout the world. Hear how through your support we are a church that is making a difference. Learn about “Gods work – Our hands” in our congregations, our neighborhoods, our communities, our nation and our world.

The Rev. Marjorie Funk-Pihl is the Assistant to the Bishop for Congregational Mission and Director for Evangelical Mission.

The Synod Assembly will be preceded on Thursday, June 2 by a Day of Learning, featuring a series of workshops centered around our assembly theme of “Church Together: Welcoming the Stranger.”