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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > Uncategorized > Lutherans in the Holy Land

Lutherans in the Holy Land


Lutherans in the Holy Land

The Synod Assembly will be preceded on Thursday, June 2 by a Day of Learning, featuring a series of workshops centered around our assembly theme of “Church Together: Welcoming the Stranger.” Register for this year’s Day of Learning here

Workshop Leader: Lana Norton
Chair, Middle East Peace Task Force, Southwest California Synod

See the faces of Lutherans in the Holy Land and find out what they face as they strive to live out their faith as Palestinian Christians. This workshop will connect our Lutheran community “over there” with our congregations “over here” and offer ways in which we can support, accompany, and engage with our Lutheran brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Participants will gain knowledge of the history and ongoing presences of Lutheran congregations, schools, hospital, and ministry to refugees in the Holy Land. Participants will be introduced to our Lutheran brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, the challenges they face as Palestinian Christians, and their contributions to peace andreconciliation in the region. Participants will leave with concrete ideas and opportunities with which to engage, support, and accompany our Lutheran community in the Holy Land.

Lana Norton is an active member of the Southwest California Synod’s Mission Team for Justice. She is a former art historian and educator who is passionate about seeking justice and human dignity for all of God’s people. She is currently the Chair of the Synod’s Middle East Peace Task Force and is a member of both ecumenical and interfaith organizations that are working toward achieving a just peace in Israel and Palestine.